A Few Conditions That Might Lead To Oral Discomfort

Dealing with a toothache or tooth pain can cause several serious problems as well as negatively impact a patient’s happiness.
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The mouth is central to our quality of life — from allowing us to eat and speak properly to laughing, swallowing, and living each day in comfort. When your teeth hurt, no matter how slightly or severely, the result is often a disruption of your life until you find the tooth pain relief you need. Because this is a common problem for many, our caring dentists at DentalWorks – Beachwood routinely treat varying degrees of tooth pain for our patients in Orange, OH.
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While some tooth pain or toothache causes are fairly obvious, such as an abscess or oral injury, others may be subtle or difficult to identify. In any case, getting the quick, efficient treatment you need when having tooth pain is important to your oral health, quality of life, and comfort. Read on to learn about common toothache causes and what to do if this symptom impacts your smile.

The degree of dental soreness will usually extend from mild and periodic to serious and constant. Many patients can pinpoint exactly which tooth is the problem, while others have generalized discomfort and simply know that their teeth hurt. Some of the most common types of oral discomfort patients report experiencing include:

  • Dull ache
  • Throbbing
  • Stabbing
  • Pressure
  • Sensitivity

Several diseases and injuries could potentially cause a patient’s teeth to ache. Orange, OH patients often turn to the skilled dentists at DentalWorks – Beachwood to find relief from toothache causes such as:

  • Tooth decay (cavities)
  • Tooth infection (abscess)
  • Cracked tooth syndrome
  • Broken or fractured teeth
  • Oral injury or trauma
  • Impacted wisdom tooth
  • Exposed tooth roots (gum recession)
  • Sinus pressure (upper jaw)
  • TMJ (temporomandibular joint) pain
  • Orthodontic treatment discomfort
  • Post-dental treatment soreness
  • Parafunctional habits (teeth grinding or nail-biting)

Any circumstance of tooth pain is treated independently. The dental treatment recommended will be based on several factors, such as the source of the pain, the extent of damage that has occurred, and the general needs of the patient, when it comes to restoring health and comfort.
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Thankfully, there are a number of effective approaches our dentists take to help our Orange, OH patients conquer tooth pain and restore their comfort. For instance, restorative dental treatment is often used to help patients overcome a range of toothache causes. Physical damage to the oral cavity, including broken, cracked, or decayed teeth, may be resolved with a dental restoration, such as a filling, dental crown, or inlay or onlay. Some causes of tooth pain among Orange, OH patients may require immediate emergency dental treatment, such as when a tooth is fully knocked out (avulsed) or partially knocked out (extruded). In these cases, the injured tooth will need to be treated with extreme care in order to be reimplanted into the jaw successfully. Any physical injuries or trauma should be evaluated as promptly as possible.

Circumstances of more severe injury to the mouth could require more extensive dental services. Abscessed or infected teeth may be best treated with a root canal procedure, while some teeth are so badly damaged that a tooth extraction may be the right course of care. In some instances, the best way to minimize tooth pain is with a palliative approach. This may include taking nonprescription pain relievers, using sensitivity-formula toothpaste (such as for exposed root surfaces), or applying hot and cold compresses to relieve oral discomfort.

It’s vital to get any oral discomfort you’re suffering with taken care of by an experienced dentist, whether it’s moderate or significant. Not all toothaches signify that extensive treatment is needed — but it is usually an indication that something is amiss and may require further care to preserve or restore your oral health. If you have tooth pain, toothaches, or any oral discomfort, it is very important to have it evaluated by one of our experienced dentists at DentalWorks – Beachwood right away. Doing so can not only improve your comfort and offer tooth pain relief, but it may also save your smile from requiring more complex treatment. Let our team help you find the tooth pain relief you need and get back to having a healthy, happy smile.