A Healthy Mouth Means A Healthy Life

You use your mouth for eating and breathing, which makes it a gateway into your entire body, therefore it is reasonable that the health of your mouth impacts your total health. Everyone in Crystal Lake, IL should take care very good care of their gums and teeth to reduce their risk of health problems, such as cardiovascular disease and cancer. Specifically, you will need to concentrate on preventing periodontal (gum) disease. The AAP (American Academy of Periodontology) is looking at modern research studies regarding the link between periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease. While periodontal disease doesn’t directly lead to cardiovascular disease, there’s lots of evidence to suggest they are linked. Besides cardiovascular disease, periodontal disease is associated with diabetes, strokes, and certain cancers. Our group of dentists at DentalWorks – Crystal Lake will diagnose then treat periodontal disease in the event you currently have a problem or we will help you prevent gum problems and other oral health issues for a healthy body and mouth. Keep reading to find out more about periodontal disease, such as causes, symptoms to watch for, treatment choices, and strategies to stay healthy with optimal oral hygiene.
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Gum (periodontal) disease is an inflammation in the gum tissue of the mouth. Periodontal disease will grow when the bacteria called plaque starts to develop along the gumline. Plaque develops when sugars and starches combine with spit. The creation of plaque is a normal process that occurs in everybody. On the other hand, the plaque is generally removed from daily flossing and brushing or in cleanings in the dentist’s office in Crystal Lake, IL. When plaque isn’t removed, it will become tartar. Together (plaque and tartar) can produce the beginning of issues such as the initial phase of periodontal disease, called gingivitis. When it is not diagnosed and treated, gingivitis will turn into periodontitis. The second phase of periodontal disease, periodontitis can cause a receding gumline, making your teeth loose. If you don’t get treatment, the inflammation can spread into other areas of your mouth (the jaw and teeth) along with your body when the infection gets into your blood.

Periodontal disease occurs more frequently than you realize. Almost half of men and women in America have some type of gum issues. Since the first symptoms of periodontal disease are small, it might initially be difficult for you to notice. The ideal method to check and be certain that you don’t have problems would be to attend cleanings and dental health exams at your dentist in Crystal Lake, IL. It is also helpful to understand what symptoms to look for, which means that you may get into schedule an appointment with your dentist sooner should you see symptoms. The first signs of gingivitis include tender, red, and inflamed gums, which bleed once you brush or floss. Persistent halitosis (bad breath) can also be a sign that you will need an evaluation by a dentist in Crystal Lake, IL. A more severe sign is a sore or pus between your teeth and gums. You can also find a brown buildup on your gumline. If you see that your gumline is receding or your teeth seem loose, then schedule a visit with your dentist as soon as possible for an exam.

If you are diagnosed with gingivitis, it can be improved with SRP therapy (scaling and root planing). In an SRP therapy, an instrument known as a scaler will be used to eliminate tartar and plaque buildup from under your gumline. Once the scaling is done, your dentist will plane (smooth) your teeth to decrease the crevices where tartar and plaque normally develop. For many patients, it might take a few SRP cleanings to renew your gums. For individuals who have periodontitis (advanced gum disease), gum surgery will probably be needed to tackle deeper regions. Your dentist might write a prescription for antibiotics following SRP therapy or gum surgery to get rid of remaining bacteria and help restore your gums.

Strong, healthy teeth and gums are the basis of a stunning smile. If you would like to be certain that you are doing as much as you can to avoid gum disease and other dental issues, there are many things that you can do:

    Men and women who use tobacco products (vaping, chewing or smoking) are far more inclined to have oral problems, which is why quitting will help reduce your odds of oral cancer and periodontal disease. Should you require assistance, speak with a primary care doctor in Crystal Lake, IL about aids for tobacco cessation, for example nicotine gum, patches, and medication.
    Make appointments with your dental team two times a year to get a dental health exam and cleanings. Oral health examinations provide your dentist the chance to look for issues like gum disease when it initially presents so it may be addressed immediately using a simpler process. Twice yearly cleanings eliminate built-up tartar and plaque that you might have difficulty reaching on your own. In case you’ve got dental anxieties that make it tricky to go to routine appointments, our team in Crystal Lake, IL provides several sedation dentistry methods to keep you relaxed so that you may find these important examinations and cleanings.
    We suggest that you schedule a health assessment at least one time each year by your doctor to assess your wellbeing. Your physician will conduct tests to determine if you are close to having health issues. With your results, your physician can suggest strategies to help your wellbeing, which might lower your chance of getting gum disease. Typical suggestions are improving your daily diet, more exercise, decreasing your weight, and managing any health issues (as an example, taking blood pressure medication or controlling diabetes).
    If you consume a healthy diet with limited amounts of sugary and processed foods, then you can cut the growth of tartar and plaque, which lowers your odds of an oral health condition. Reducing your anxiety and getting more exercise may also help lower your chance of developing gum disease.
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If you’re interested in learning how to help your heart, then begin with focusing on your mouth. Choose a dentist in Crystal Lake, IL and see them at least two times per year to deal with or protect against periodontal disease. Our group at DentalWorks – Crystal Lake is experienced in diagnosing and treating as well as preventing periodontal disease in addition to other oral health conditions.
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Schedule a dental health exam at our office in Crystal Lake, IL so we are able to begin helping you enhance your mouth to boost your general wellness.