Finally Going Back To The Dentist After A Long Time? Here’s What To Expect.

At DentalWorks – Dublin, we provide multiple sedation methods to help you stay relaxed and calm through both regular visits and procedures. For dental fears and anxiety, we generally recommend nitrous oxide (also called laughing gas) or oral-conscious medicine (a prescription sedative, such as Valium, that’s taken prior to your visit). Before you sit in a treatment chair, your dentist will meet with you to decide whether you’re a candidate for sedation. In addition to deciding whether you need sedation, your dentist will ascertain whether you’re able to safely get one of these methods. Your dentist will need to know your health history, allergies, and any drugs you’re currently taking. This will allow them to determine which method to recommend. Before you go home, your dentist will tell you what to expect before, during, and after your sedation is administered, including if you can drive or if you should get a ride.

Your appointment at the dentist in Dublin, OH will probably consist of three main components — a dental examination, a professional cleaning, and your custom action plan.

    A dental examination is typically performed at least one time a year. Throughout your examination, your team of dental professionals will look at the health of your teeth, gums, and jaws.
    • X-RAYS
      Digital x-rays provide your dentist a better look at your mouth. The majority of the time, x-rays will probably be needed to show your dentist areas of developing and existing cavities. X-rays may be taken in a couple of minutes with a sensor positioned between your upper and lower teeth. Your dentist might suggest an entire mouth set to check your jaw and gums every couple of years. This only lasts a couple of minutes while you stand still as the camera moves around your head.
      Among the most important parts of a dental examination is screening for oral cancer. Those who use tobacco products or have the human papilloma virus (HPV) are at greater risk for developing oral cancer, although everybody ought to be screened. During your screening, your dentist will examine your gums, tongue, and the tissue inside your mouth. Afterward, they will palpate your jaw and throat to check for lumps. While this generally only lasts a couple of minutes, early detection of oral cancer is vital.
      Throughout your examination, your dentist will evaluate the health of your gums and look for signs of gum disease. Your team will measure your gum pockets, examine the condition of your gums, and check whether there’s any swelling. Inform your dentist if you have pain or if your gums bleed when you floss or brush.
    While you’re ideally flossing and brushing your teeth two times a day in your home, you can still benefit from a deep cleaning to eliminate stains and buildup.
      In case you have not visited the dentist for some time, you may have a substantial amount of tartar and plaque buildup on your teeth. Your hygienist will scrape away buildup utilizing special equipment. Good flossing and brushing at home in addition to regular visits at your dentist will make this cleaning easier.
    • POLISH
      Once your teeth are free from buildup, a team member will polish your teeth. This will help to get rid of stains, which make your teeth dull. Speak with your hygienist if you would rather get small sections cleaned with breaks in between.
      Highly suggested for children with developing teeth and adults who tends to get a lot of cavities, you may think about getting a fluoride rinse after your cleaning. A fluoride treatment strengthens your teeth, which may help stop decay, cavities, and other issues.
    Once your dental examination and cleaning are complete, your dentist will speak with you about what happens next. If you do not have any issues, they may discuss preventive treatments. If they do find a dental problem, your dentist will go over your treatment choices.
      To continue to keep your teeth, gums, and jaw healthy, your team can show you correct techniques for flossing and brushing, help you develop a great home dental hygiene regimen, suggest products that fit your specific needs and concerns, and also schedule your next appointment. If you have good oral health, DentalWorks – Dublin performs cosmetic dentistry to improve the appearance of your smile with procedures like teeth whitening.
      Whether you’ve got gum disease, a cavity, or a different issue, your dentist will explain your treatment choices. Once you’ve picked a procedure, your dentist will let you know how soon to schedule it. Some problems, such as a cavity, may be added to your next appointment. But when an issue is severe or causing you pain, then a treatment will have to be scheduled sooner. For certain treatments, your dentist may go over sedation choices to help you stay comfortable.

It may be frightening to return to your dentist if you have not visited for a while; however, our compassionate staff at DentalWorks – Dublin will do whatever they can to help you feel relaxed and welcome. Our practice in Dublin, OH utilizes modern techniques and advanced equipment for more efficient visits. If you are nervous about visiting the dentist, inquire about sedation dentistry options to aid with dental anxieties and fears.