Gum Disease: The Important Facts Each Person Needs To Know

Looking after your smile requires more work than simply ensuring that your teeth are white and well-aligned. Your gums take on a crucial part of your oral wellbeing, along with your overall wellbeing. Because many local residents might assume their gums are in good condition, they are generally startled if they are reported otherwise. Gum disease, also referred to as periodontal disease, is a degenerative condition that impacts the gums around a patient’s teeth. The disease’s signs generally occur without discomfort. Multiple field observations have shown a connection that relates gum disease and other health issues, like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, strokes, and forms of cancer, including tooth loss.

In spite of this, we have great news: Periodontal disease can be prevented with comprehensive oral care. The most effective way to battle gum disease is to receive dental care from credentialed dental professionals, like the dentists at DentalWorks- Aurora. Our doctors have many years’ worth of knowledge and skills in the area of periodontal dentistry to identify various issues and treat gum disease.


Often referred to as gum disease, periodontal disease is known as an infection of the gumline. The gumline is the internal tissue that serves to lock your teeth in their correct placements. Poor oral hygiene could cause a sticky substance known as plaque to gather and solidify along the gum tissue. While toothbrushing and flossing should reduce some of the bacteria, plaque that’s not eliminated will develop into tartar and harden onto your teeth. Only a bi-annual cleaning done by a dental practitioner or dental hygienist can effectively remove tartar.

If sitting on the teeth, tartar and bacteria work together to cause the beginning type of periodontal disease called gingivitis. Gingivitis develops when plaque gathers on teeth and encourages the nearby gum tissue to become red and puffy. Plaque creates toxins that irritate the gums, which causes them to be sensitive and puffy and, often, leading to bleeding.

If periodontal disease progresses with no care, later phases of gum disease can cause sore and bleeding gums, painful chewing, and, potentially, tooth loss. This is why it’s important to diagnose and treat gum disease before it travels around your mouth.


Proper gums should be firm, pinkish, and fit comfortably around your teeth. The earliest symptoms of periodontal disease are generally hard to identify by the average individual. It is vital to schedule regular sessions with our dentists at DentalWorks- Aurora. Our team will work to detect the early symptoms of gum disease during routine teeth cleanings and dental assessments. Symptoms of infected gums include swelling, bright red tissue, sensitivity, bleeding, separation from the tooth, additional spaces around your teeth, halitosis, loose teeth, uncomfortable biting, and differences with your dental alignment.


When individuals get to the more progressed phases of periodontal disease, they might require surgical treatments. The dentists in Aurora, IL provide several advanced gum procedures, namely gum grafting, gingival flap surgery, and others.

Gum disease typically forces the gums to deteriorate, which will expose a section of the tooth’s roots. To improve your gum tissue, our dental practitioners may offer a gum graft procedure. In many cases, self-donated connective tissue is implemented to carry out this service. The donor sample is borrowed from the upper part of your mouth and sutured to your gumline, which minimizes the tooth root exposure.

Periodontal surgery should benefit individuals in Aurora, IL who have late-stage periodontitis. Depending on the severity of your periodontal disease, there are a few techniques we can implement: gingival flap surgery, gingivectomy, or gingivoplasty. Gingival flap surgery repositions the gumline away from the tooth to expose the roots and enable our dental practitioner to measure your situation. Once this is done, our dentist will do a scaling and root planing treatment to clear away tartar and any damaged tissue. The loose tissue will then be readjusted and stitched in the proper place. In contrast, a gingivectomy removes and remolds a section of the seriously diseased gum tissue. This procedure is usually saved for people whose situation is more intense. Lastly, a gingivoplasty is thought of as a cosmetic dental operation that enhances and readjusts the gumline once your periodontal disease has been taken care of, restoring their proper condition and appearing more aesthetically appealing.


The best method to evade periodontal disease is to learn a good, consistent oral hygiene routine. Following this comprehensive checklist can help guarantee that your bright smile lasts many years:

Flossing your teeth is crucial for optimal dental wellness.
Flossing at least one time daily might help remove tartar that may be wedged in between your teeth. Toothbrushing is a necessary part of a person’s oral wellness routine. However, it still might not target every area.

Individuals need to clean their teeth a minimum of twice daily.
Patients who brush their teeth after mealtimes help to eliminate plaque and food particles stuck in between their gums and teeth. It’s also important to not forget about the tongue. Utilize your toothbrush to clean your tongue, as this may eliminate leftover bacteria.

Make use of toothpaste and mouthwash with fluoride.
People find it challenging to know which dental routine products are the best. While browsing, choose a fluoride-based toothpaste and mouth rinse. If used in conjunction, the two oral products can affect the time it takes for food particles and plaque to build up on the enamel.

Make it a goal to visit your dental care provider twice every year.
Arrange appointments with your dental practitioner two times every year for a dental health exam and cleaning. Dental checkups enable the staff at DentalWorks- Aurora to catch problems like gum disease when they initially occur. To help men and women with dental anxieties, our Aurora, IL facility provides many sedation options to address your nerves so you can get your examinations and professional cleanings without difficulty.

Quit your tobacco dependence.
Individuals who consume tobacco products (including dipping, cigars, or e-cigarettes) are more likely to get periodontal disease and certain cancers. Tobacco usage weakens your immune system. This can make it tougher on your body to battle off infection and recover afterward.


Exceptional oral treatment is critical in the battle against periodontal disease. Find a dental care provider you trust, and make sure to check in at their facility two times a year for dental exams and cleanings. At DentalWorks- Aurora, our team is skilled at preventing, diagnosing, and improving gum disease and several other oral health disorders. Call our practice today to set up a session and start your path toward ideal oral health.