Gum Disease: The Major Facts Each Man And Woman Should Know

Protecting your smile takes more effort than making sure your teeth are shiny and well-aligned. The gums are an integral role in your oral wellness and your general wellness. Since the majority of people may assume their gums are in good condition, they are usually alarmed when they are reported otherwise. Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a serious condition that deteriorates the gums that surround an individual’s teeth. The disease’s side-effects usually occur without discomfort. Numerous tests have discovered a link between periodontal disease and seemingly unrelated health concerns, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, strokes, and specific cancers, including tooth loss.

However, we have good news: Gum disease can be evaded with proper dental care. The simplest method to prevent periodontal disease is to get dental care from talented dental professionals, like the team at DentalWorks – Carmel Village. Our doctors have comprehensive know-how and training in the field of periodontal dentistry to identify a number of issues and treat gum disease.


Sometimes referred to as gum disease, gum disease is essentially an infection of the gum tissue. The gumline is the internal tissue that serves to secure your teeth in their correct positions. Inadequate dental health could cause a sticky substance known as plaque to build up and calcify along the gum tissue. While toothbrushing and flossing could reduce some of the bacteria, plaque that’s not removed will turn into tartar and settle onto your enamel. Only a bi-annual cleaning provided by a dentist or dental professional can completely get rid of tartar.

When sitting on the teeth, tartar and bacteria operate in tandem to cause the first form of periodontal disease called gingivitis. Gingivitis arises when plaque gathers on teeth and causes the surrounding gums to become red and puffy. Tartar produces toxins that negatively affect the gums, leading them to be sensitive and swollen and, typically, leading to bleeding.

If gum disease progresses with no care, more damaging phases of gum disease might result in sore and bleeding gum tissue, difficulty chewing, and, possibly, missing teeth. That’s why it’s important to diagnose and treat gum disease before it spreads throughout your oral structures.


Strong gums are stable, pinkish, and fit tautly around your teeth. The beginning indicators of periodontal disease are typically difficult to identify by a normal individual. It is critical to arrange regular visits with the dental professionals at DentalWorks – Carmel Village. They will work to detect the tell-tale symptoms of periodontal disease during bi-annual teeth cleanings and dental checkups. Symptoms of inflamed gums include puffiness, bright red tissue, sensitivity, bleeding, splitting away from the tooth, new spaces around your teeth, bad breath, loose teeth, issues with biting, and differences with your alignment.


When people get to the more progressed stages of periodontal disease, they can need surgical procedures. Our dental practitioners in Charlotte, NC provide numerous surgical gum treatments, in particular gum grafting, gingival flap surgery, and others.

Gum disease usually causes the gumline to diminish, which will expose a portion of the tooth’s roots. To improve your gum tissue, our doctors may provide a gum graft treatment. Most often, your own connective tissue is implemented to complete this procedure. The grafted gum tissue is excised from the roof of your mouth and placed with your gums, which reduces the tooth root exposure.

Gum surgery will often help individuals in Charlotte, NC who have severe periodontitis. Depending on the phase of your condition, there are a few methods we can incorporate: gingival flap surgery, gingivectomy, and gingivoplasty. Gingival flap surgery pulls the gumline away from the enamel to gain access to the tooth roots and enable our dentist to evaluate your situation. When this is complete, our dentist will do a deep cleaning to clear out plaque and some unsalvageable tissue. The separated tissue is then repositioned and stitched in the proper place. In contrast, a gingivectomy removes and remolds a section of the seriously diseased gum tissue. This procedure is mostly reserved for those whose gum disease is more advanced. Finally, a gingivoplasty is considered an aesthetic dental service that improves and repositions your gums when your periodontal disease has been treated, restoring their proper health and appearing more attractive.


The most proper method to evade gum disease is to develop an excellent, consistent oral care regimen. Obeying this general set of rules could help ensure that your shining smile lasts a long time:

Flossing your pearly whites is essential for excellent oral health.
Flossing no less than one time daily or nightly might help eliminate food particles that might be packed in between your teeth. Cleaning your teeth is an essential aspect of everyone’s oral health routine. However, it still can’t always reach every crevice.

Local residents should brush their teeth a minimum of twice each day.
Patients who clean their teeth after food breaks help to remove plaque and food particles wedged in between their gum tissue and teeth. It’s also vital to not disregard the tongue. Utilize your smooth-bristled brush to clean your tongue, as this might reduce leftover bacteria.

Utilize toothpaste and mouth rinses with fluoride.
Many think it’s difficult to figure out which oral hygiene products are the most effective. As you’re browsing, choose a fluoride-containing toothpaste and mouthwash. When used in conjunction, the two products may extend the rate at which bacteria and tartar to layer on the enamel.

Make it a goal to visit your dentist twice annually.
Arrange visits with your dental practitioner twice each year for an oral health evaluation and cleaning. Dental checkups enable the staff at DentalWorks – Carmel Village to detect problems like gingivitis when they initially show up. To help those with dental anxieties, our Charlotte, NC office implements numerous sedation options to relax your nerves. This way, you can receive your checkups and cleanings easily.

Give up tobacco dependence.
Adults who use tobacco products (including chewing, cigars, or vaping) are more likely to contract periodontal disease and oral cancer. Tobacco consumption affects the immune system, which makes it harder for your body to fight off infection and recover later on.


Effective dental care is vital in the battle against periodontal disease. Find a dental professional you trust, and be sure to come to their office twice a year for examinations and cleanings. At DentalWorks – Carmel Village, our staff is skilled at preventing, identifying, and getting rid of gum disease, as well as various other oral wellness concerns. Contact our facility today to set up a consultation and take off on your path toward exceptional dental health.