Having Dentures

To clean your dentures properly, remove them from your mouth and run clean water over them to rinse off any existing food particles. Next, brush the dentures with a mild soap or denture cleaner. Never use regular toothpaste or an electric toothbrush to wash your dentures. They are too abrasive and can damage them. After thoroughly cleaning your dentures, rinse them well. Clean your gums and any other natural teeth with a soft toothbrush.


It’s important to remove your dentures every night to keep from damaging or slippage while you’re sleeping. Taking them out also provides your gums and bones a chance to relax from the pressure of wearing the dentures throughout the day. Always submerge your dentures in warm water (never hot) to keep them from drying out. Use a denture soaking solution if your dentures don’t have metal components, as the solution can easily tarnish the metal.

DentalWorks – Aurora would love to provide individual guidance for those who would like to learn if dentures are their most effective solution. After a thorough dental examination, our professional team can help you to decide which tooth replacement option will work best for your smile goals. If you’re having trouble speaking or chewing and want to restore the function and appearance of your smile, dentures are a great option. They are created to match your mouth and facial structure in order to give you the best possible fit. Call our dental office today in Aurora, IL to schedule your denture consultation appointment.


To help your dentures last, follow these tips:

  1. Clean your dentures daily, just like you would your natural teeth. Bacteria, tartar, and plaque can buildup on dentures and damage your teeth and gums.

  2. To effectively clean your dentures, remove them from your mouth and run clean water over them to rinse off any food particles.

  3. Use a denture brush with a mild soap or denture cleaner to clean them. Never use regular toothpaste as it is too abrasive. Rinse them well after cleaning.

  4. Clean your gums and natural teeth with a soft toothbrush twice a day.

  5. Always remove your dentures before going to sleep. This helps to avoid them dislodging while you are asleep or causing any damage through clenching or grinding of the jaw.

  6. Submerge your dentures in warm water to keep them from drying out overnight.

  7. For dentures without metal components, use a denture-soaking solution to clean them effectively.