How Fluoride Treatments Might Reinforce Your Tooth Enamel

Known to exist in a number water sources, fluoride is characterized as a mineral that has notable dental advantages. Fluoride strengthens the tooth’s structure and it fight against decay. Fluoride also aids kids or adults with developing or feeble teeth and could reverse new regions of decay that have recently established. DentalWorks – Bainbridge provides dental fluoride treatments for our Aurora, OH patients to enhance their dental health at any age.

Typically, fluoride is most beneficial for small children between 6 months and 16 years since this period is when most of the primary teeth develop. Even so, older individuals may take advantage of dental fluorosis treatment as well. At our facility in Aurora, OH, we believe that fluoride is as essential in reinforcing developing teeth as they are in shielding from cavities.


A number of aspects of fluoride have a positive effect on the enamel, such as:

  • Curbing the loss of minerals in the enamel
  • Reducing the development of and fixing early
  • Stopping harmful buildup
  • Reinforcing compromised enamel

Fluoride is generally found in water, as well as in tiny amounts in particular foods. Even though your enamel is often exposed to fluoride in the food and water you eat and drink, it’s hard to receive a substantial quantity of fluoride in your diet alone.


Putting fluoride on the teeth might be carried out using two techniques: external or internal. External distribution helps people of different ages, while internal distribution is ideal for children as their adult teeth are developing beneath the gums. At DentalWorks – Bainbridge, oral fluorosis applications are done biannually after a professional cleaning and assessment. The cleaned teeth are dried, and fluoride is placed and kept on the teeth for no more than four minutes for every application. To guarantee that the substance completely penetrates the enamel, you could be urged not to consume food or drinks or smoke cigarettes for a minimum of half an hour following your oral fluoride appointment.

Fluoride is also found in sources of water. As it’s swallowed, it travels along the body and the teeth develop. Toddlers who consume water composed of a tiny quantity to practically no fluoride may need a prescription to make sure their teeth form strong.


All individuals require a specific amount of fluoride depending on their likelihood of developing decay. If you maintain a great at-home dental health regimen and avoid sweet and acidic meals and liquids, your risk for developing cavities could be diminished. When it comes to children, in the case that a large amount of fluoride is taken in, teeth may be dented or stained. This problem is called enamel fluorosis and might lead to small white lines or spots on the tooth surfaces. Though it’s not necessarily harmful, it might result in the essentiality of aesthetic dentistry surgeries.

Adults who take in too much fluoride might end up more susceptible to pain or bone fractures, called skeletal fluorosis. This can potentially cause soreness and harm to various bones and junctures. When you’re worried about your fluoride intake, reach out to our highly qualified team in Aurora, OH.


DentalWorks – Bainbridge offers oral fluoride treatments for individuals. Our skilled team will conduct a comprehensive oral exam to learn if fluoride treatments are ideal for you. In the end, the perks of fluoride are great for most patients because it improves your enamel while lessening your chances of developing tooth decay. To find out more about fluoride treatments, or to make a consultation at our Aurora, OH office, reach out to our professional staff today.


Fluoride is beneficial for oral health because:

  • It slows down mineral loss (demineralization) from tooth enamel

  • It remineralizes weakened tooth enamel

  • It reverses any early signs of tooth decay

  • It prevents harmful oral bacteria growth

When bacteria break down sugar and carbs in your mouth, acid is produced that eats away at the minerals within your tooth enamel. Weakened tooth enamel makes your teeth more vulnerable to harmful bacteria that can later cause cavities.