If You Want To Improve Your Health, Start With Your Mouth

The mouth is one gateway to the rest of your body, so it is logical that your oral health affects your general health. Residents in Cary, NC to be taking great care of their teeth and gums to help lower their risk of developing multiple medical conditions, including heart disease and diabetes. In particular, you want to focus on avoiding gum (periodontal) disease. The American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) is following ongoing research studies about the connection between gum disease and heart disease. Although gum disease does not directly cause heart disease, there is a lot of evidence to imply that they are linked. Along with heart disease, gum disease has been linked to diabetes, certain cancers, and strokes. Our experienced team of dental professionals at DentalWorks – Cary Crossroads can diagnose and treat gum disease in case you already have it or we can help you avoid gum disease along with other dental problems for a healthy mouth and body. Read on to learn more about gum disease, including how it develops, signs to look for, treatment options, plus methods to keep yourself healthy through proper dental care.

Periodontal or gum disease is an infection in the soft tissue of your mouth. Gum disease can develop when the sticky bacteria known as plaque begins to accumulate in the gum pockets. Plaque forms when starches and sugars blend with saliva. The formation of plaque is a natural process that happens to everyone.
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However, the plaque is usually removed with daily brushing and flossing or during bi-annual professional cleanings at your dentist’s office in Cary, NC. However, if plaque is not removed, it may turn into hardened tartar on your teeth. Combined (tartar and plaque) can cause the start of problems including the first stage of gum disease, which is known as gingivitis. If it’s not identified and addressed, gingivitis will develop into periodontitis. The advanced stage of gum disease, periodontitis will cause gum recession, which makes your teeth feel loose. Without appropriate treatment, the disease can spread to the rest of your mouth (your jawbone and teeth) and your body if it reaches your bloodstream.

Gum disease is more common than you might think. Nearly half of people in the USA have some form of periodontal problems. Because the earliest signs of gum disease are mild and not painful, it may at first be hard for you to identify on your own. The best way to check and make sure you do not have gum problems is to diligently schedule and attend bi-annual cleanings and oral health assessments at a dentist’s office in Cary, NC. It’s also important to know what signs to look out for, and that means it’s possible to get in to visit your dentist earlier if you become aware of symptoms. The earliest symptoms of gingivitis are red, tender, and swollen gums that bleed easily when you floss or brush. Chronic bad breath (halitosis) is also a hint that you want an examination by your dentist in Cary, NC. A more critical symptom is pus or a sore between your gums and teeth. You might also observe a brownish buildup of hard deposits along your gumline. If you become aware of your gumline is rising or your teeth are loose, schedule an appointment with your dentist immediately for an examination.

The first stage of gum disease, gingivitis, is often treated with scaling and root planing (SRP). During an SRP treatment, a tool referred to as a scaler can be used to remove plaque and tartar buildup from your gum pockets. After the scaling is finished, your dentist will smooth (plane) the enamel to reduce the rough surfaces where plaque and tartar typically get caught. For most patients, it may take a couple of SRP deep cleanings to improve the health of your gums. For patients using advanced gum disease (periodontitis), laser gum surgery will likely be performed to open the gums and address deeper areas of the gums. Your dentist may prescribe a round of antibiotics after a periodontal treatment to eliminate any lingering bacteria and promote healing.

Healthy gums and teeth are necessary for a gorgeous smile. If you’d like to make sure you are doing whatever you can to prevent oral health problems, there are various things you can do:

    When you eat a balanced diet with minimal consumption of processed and sugary foods, you can cut down on the development of plaque and tartar on your teeth, which decreases your chance of developing an oral health problem. Lowering your level of stress and getting regular exercise can also help to reduce your risk of getting periodontal disease.
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    We advise that you schedule a wellness check at least once every year with your general physician to evaluate your wellness. Your health care provider will run diagnostic tests to check if you have or are on the verge of developing health problems. Using your test results as a guide, your health care provider can recommend methods to enhance your wellness, which may decrease your risk of developing periodontal disease. Frequent recommendations are modifying your diet, exercising more, losing weight, and addressing any health conditions (by way of example, controlling diabetes or taking blood pressure medication).
    Schedule appointments at your dentist twice a year for an oral health evaluation and professional cleanings. Dental exams give your dentist the opportunity to diagnose problems like gingivitis when it first develops so it can be treated quickly with an easier procedure.
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    Bi-annual professional cleanings at the dentist remove built-up plaque and tartar that you can have trouble reaching at home. If you have dental fears that make it hard to go to regular appointments, our practice in Cary, NC offers different sedation dentistry techniques to keep you calm so it is possible to get these significant exams and cleanings.
    Anyone who uses tobacco products (vaping, smoking, or chewing) are a lot more likely to suffer from oral conditions, so quitting may help decrease your chance of developing periodontal disease and oral cancer. If you need help, talk to your primary care physician in Cary, NC about treatments to help you quit using tobacco, such as special gum, prescription medication, and patches.

If you’d like to protect your heart, start by improving your oral health. Find a dentist you trust and schedule appointments at least twice a year to treat or prevent gum disease. Our team of dental professionals at DentalWorks – Cary Crossroads is skilled in preventing, diagnosing, and treating gum disease as well as other dental health problems. Schedule an oral health examination at our practice in Cary, NC so we can get started with helping you improve your mouth along with your overall wellbeing.