Products You Need In Your Bathroom

Your bathroom counter is most likely filled with products for your hair and skin that help you look fantastic, but what about the correct products to make your smile stunning? Although seeing your dentist in Charlotte, NC two or more times a year for cleanings is essential, your dental health is mostly impacted by how well you care for your teeth and gums at home. Our team at DentalWorks – Charlotte would like to make certain everybody in Charlotte, NC uses the neccessary products for a wonderful home oral hygiene regimen: floss, a toothbrush, mouthwash, and toothpaste. Keep reading to learn more about each essential dental care item and how to choose the best ones for your needs and wants.

    A plain, old manual toothbrush is your cheapest choice to help keep your teeth clean. Most dentists suggest using a brush with soft bristles that has a small head to gently brush your teeth, gums, and tongue, but every person should select whatever shape and size they will use. For babies and kids, purchase a toothbrush that matches their age.
    To help men and women in Charlotte, NC who have difficulty using or holding a manual toothbrush as well as anyone who wants to get more cleaning with less effort, an electric toothbrush is a good investment. You can generally find an electric toothbrush (either rechargeable or battery-powered) that fits your budget based on what attributes you want. Many electric toothbrushes include an integrated timer that can make it easier to brush for two minutes. Some electric toothbrushes for children may also play a tune that can make it easier to get your kids to brush their teeth.
    An important part of your dental health regimen is a toothbrush. Whether you choose an electric or manual toothbrush, be sure you are brushing two times a day and getting a new brush head or toothbrush every three months or sooner when the bristles are worn out.
    A step many men and women don’t do, flossing is very important to your gums and teeth. Flossing once a day will help eliminate debris and plaque from between teeth, which will decrease your risk of problems with your gums and teeth. If you’re not a fan of conventional woven floss, there are different options. You may like floss picks or even an electric flosser. In case the spaces between your teeth are too small for floss, then you might want to speak with your dentist in Charlotte, NC about orthodontics to fix the alignment and spacing of your smile.
      Conventional string floss is loaded on a spool in unwaxed or waxed. Tear off 1.5 feet (about the distance between your fingertips to your elbow) and wrap both ends around your fingers. Gently guide the floss between every one of your teeth, moving to a fresh section for every tooth.
      In case you have problems using or holding conventional floss, floss picks might be a better option. Generally, a little handle with a tight line of floss, picks tend to be favored by adults who have arthritis as well as kids. The pick can be used to go between each tooth.
      Considered by many to be more effective than conventional floss, an interdental brush is a good option for everyday cleaning. Interdental brushes resemble pipe cleaners with bristles on a little handle. Interdental brushes are available in many sizes, which means you might need to test a couple to choose a brush size that fits easily between your teeth. Interdental brushes may also be cleaned and reused until the bristles are worn.
      For those who have traditional metal braces and people who don’t enjoy other types of floss, an electric flosser might be a good investment. There are plenty of brands available with different features. You’ll have to do some research to decide which kind is best for you. Sometimes called oral irrigators, many electric flossers are categorized as water flossers or air flossers. A water flosser uses a continuous spray of water whereas an air flosser uses a smaller quantity of water with air, which you direct to the spaces between your teeth. Used properly, an electric flosser is as good as conventional floss at removing debris and decreasing the risk of periodontal (gum) disease.
      If you visit the store, you may be inundated with choices in toothpaste — different brands, flavors, and features. Unless your dentist in Charlotte, NC has recommended a particular toothpaste or written you a prescription for toothpaste, you may select whatever you prefer. You might think about looking for a whitening toothpaste or a toothpaste that is especially made to reduce sensitivity. Try various flavors and brands to discover the toothpaste you prefer. For kids, it’s important to select a toothpaste for children because they’re safe in case it’s accidentally ingested. Rarely, people have an allergic response to the fluoride, flavor, or gluten used in the toothpaste. In case you have cheilitis (severely chapped lips) or a rash near your mouth, switch to another toothpaste and ask your physician about allergy testing to find the particular issue.
      To improve the appearance of your smile and the health of your mouth, add mouthwash to your dental care regimen. Various mouthwashes can be found at the store to whiten your teeth, freshen your breath, fight cavities, decrease tooth sensitivity, and much more. A small bottle of mouthwash is great to bring with you to school or work so that you may rinse away germs and debris after lunch. Following a procedure, like scaling and root planing, your Charlotte, NC dentist might give you a prescription antibiotic mouthwash to prevent an infection.
      Get ready for your next vacation or a night away from home with travel-sized floss, mouthwash, and toothpaste along with your toothbrush. Regardless of what else you pack, everything matches with fresh breath and healthy teeth!
      Take the best care of your mouth in your home using the correct products. If you’re not sure which products to use, ask your Charlotte, NC dentist for recommendations. At DentalWorks – Charlotte, our staff helps every person with product suggestions in addition to teaching correct flossing and brushing techniques. Schedule a dental health examination and cleaning for yourself and your household at our office in Charlotte, NC to get help personalizing your home oral hygiene routine.