Ready For A Smile Makeover With Veneers?

If you check your pictures, is your smile as great as you’d like? Have you perfected the mysterious look to avoid smiling and showing your teeth? If your smile doesn’t look as nice as you would like, you may want a cosmetic makeover with dental veneers. A thin porcelain shell, cosmetic veneers fit over your front teeth to hide cracks, stains, gaps, as well as crooked, asymmetrical, or missing teeth. Dental veneers are a very popular cosmetic dentistry treatment because they offer a fast, effective smile makeover. DentalWorks in Columbus, OH offers veneers made from high-quality porcelain so your new smile looks fabulous, but still natural. When you think you’d like to get veneers, consider if:

Veneers were created to correct cosmetic problems including minor cracks, chips, stains, gaps, or misshapen teeth. A single treatment, like dental bonding or professional whitening, may be enough if you have one issue, but veneers can address multiple issues with attractive results. Veneers can also be a good option if you have deep or dark stains that cannot be corrected, even with in-office teeth whitening. You may have looked into another cosmetic treatment, particularly bonding and contouring. Bonding can be used to address many of the same concerns as veneers, but the material used in bonding is less resistant to stains, chips easier, and the results are not meant to last for more than a few years.

Veneers used to make teeth look perfectly white and square, which made them look unnatural. Now, veneers are custom designed and made to look natural so people might notice you look better, but they won’t know exactly what you did. While custom porcelain veneers can be used to make a dramatic improvement in your smile, you may want to keep some of your personality. For example, if no one would recognize you without the gap in your front teeth, but you want it to be closed a little, your veneers will be designed and crafted to leave you with a small gap.

Microdontia is an often hereditary condition where the teeth are abnormally small and typically have large gaps. If you have microdontia, your smile may look like it’s still full of baby teeth. Even if small teeth and gaps aren’t affecting your oral health, it may be making you look less “adult” than you’d like. Veneers are a great option for patients with microdontia. Custom veneers can give you an attractive smile that matches your other facial features. DentalWorks in Columbus, OH has helped many patients with microdontia gain confidence in their appearance with custom porcelain veneers.

The best candidates for veneers will already have good oral health. Any issues like cavities, gum disease, and plaque buildup must be resolved before you can start the process of getting veneers. Since the veneers are bond directly to the teeth, optimal oral health is key for their application and long-term success. Hiding gum disease or tooth decay with a veneer may actually make your condition worse, which is why a good dentist will examine your teeth, gums, and jaw to treat issues before allowing you to start the process of getting veneers.

Often caused by stress, grinding your teeth or clenching your jaw (bruxism) can significantly damage your oral health. It can lead to chips, cracks, as well as the misalignment of your jaw and teeth. This is not only a problem for your natural teeth, it will be a problem if you decide to invest in veneers. If you have signs of bruxism (either teeth grinding or jaw clenching), your dentist may recommend a night guard to protect both your teeth and veneers. Once you start wearing your night guard, you may find that you sleep better and wake more rested!

Dental veneers from DentalWorks in Columbus, OH are made with high-quality porcelain that is strong, but need to be properly maintained. This means no chewing on ice or biting your fingernails. In addition, you should not use your teeth as tools to open packages or for cutting tape as this can alter your veneers. Even though veneers are more resistant to staining, you still need to practice good oral hygiene. You should brush and floss, with proper technique, to keep your mouth healthy and veneers bright. You should also continue to schedule regular dental checkups and cleanings. If you need help, we can also show you some brushing techniques and help you develop a home routine. If you experience any issues with your veneers, you should schedule an appointment to get them assessed by a dental professional.

In your initial consultation at DentalWorks, we will explain all your cosmetic dentistry options, including veneers. Depending on your needs and goals, you may be a better candidate for bonding and contouring, professional teeth whitening, or even a restorative procedure. We want to make sure you know all of your options and you are making the best choice. We suggest you come to your initial consultation with questions and an open mind. We offer several advanced dental procedures that can be combined to create your best plan for a smile makeover.

After you’ve considered all these points and you would like to get to have a consultation, contact DentalWorks in Columbus, OH. Your dentist will listen to your aesthetic goals before helping you decide if porcelain veneers or another cosmetic treatment is right for your needs. If you are a good candidate and want to get porcelain veneers, your dental team will create a treatment plan to make and place your high-quality custom veneers. Unlike older veneers that required a significant amount of enamel to be removed, we use veneers that need minimal or no preparation to be placed. This means it’s easier than ever to get and enjoy!
