Taking The Fear Out Of Root Canal Therapy

Immediately after your appointment, your mouth will most likely feel a little sore and swollen, which means you need to plan to rest for the remainder of the day. Your dentist may prescribe antibiotics or pain medication to help as you heal. It’s vital that you get back to your oral hygiene routine right away to keep your mouth clean and avoid a reinfection, but you’ll want to brush and floss carefully around the treated tooth for a few days. For food, you may want to stick to liquids (like protein shakes and smoothies) or soft foods (oatmeal, eggs, bananas, and avocados) at room temperature (not too hot, not too cold, but just right) for the first few days after your root canal. Avoid hard and sticky foods like taffy, gum, and ice cubes since these can hurt or pull off the crown covering the treated tooth. Continue visiting your dentist in Columbus, OH at least twice each year for professional cleanings and oral health exams so your dental team can assess the status of your tooth after a root canal and determine when the crown needs to be repaired or replaced.

As long as it is properly performed, a root canal should be successful at removing the infection and saving the tooth. If you have good oral care, you should be able to use the treated tooth for a long time. However, a crack in your tooth or other factors can lead to a reinfection of the tooth. If this happens, a second root canal (also known as an endodontic retreatment) might be needed. This is the reason it’s important to follow all recovery instructions from your dentist after your root canal so your mouth heals properly. You should also continue to go to appointments twice a year so your dentist can check for reinfection and other oral health problems.

Without treatment, an infected tooth can become very painful. If you’re caught between a throbbing toothache and the fear you have of going to the dentist (known as dentophobia) to get it treated, we have good news — you don’t have to suffer pain or wrestle with dental anxiety using sedation dentistry. DentalWorks – Easton offers many different types and levels of sedation dentistry to make sure you remain comfortable during your root canal therapy. Nitrous oxide gas or oral-conscious medication may be blended with IV (intravenous) sedation based on your procedure and personal needs. And when your root canal is done, ask about getting sedation during your regular visits. Our team of dental professionals will work with Columbus, OH patients to help make it easier for them to come back for bi-annual professional cleanings and annual oral health exams so problems can be treated or prevented before they require a bigger procedure, like a root canal.

While you may not enjoy getting a root canal, it may save your oral health to have one. When you have any symptoms of an infected tooth, schedule an oral health exam and consultation with a dentist in Columbus, OH. If you have dental fears or anxiety, DentalWorks – Easton offers different types of sedation dentistry to keep you calm and relaxed during your examination and root canal therapy. We use state-of-the-art equipment and modern techniques when performing root canals to eliminate the infection, preserve your tooth, and keep your smile healthy and beautiful.