Benito J. Benitez

About Dr. Benitez

Dr. Benito Jose Benitez received his Bachelors of Science in Biology from Texas Christian University in May 2003. He was very interested in becoming a dentist and many of the Biology classes coincided with his pre-dental requirements. Science has been a passion of his since middle school and he even married a middle school science teacher! Dr. Benitez received his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from Baylor College of Dentistry in Dallas in May 2007. He received his Certificate in Orthodontics and his Masters of Science in Dentistry from the University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine in Denver in February 2012. When asked, what made you choose dentistry as a profession, Dr. Benitez said “It’s the relationships that we build with our patients that I enjoy the most. As a child, I was extremely shy and readily avoided interpersonal communication with a lot of my classmates. Something changed in high school and I enjoy getting to know people and what their stories are. Dentistry and orthodontics allows me to see my patients on a regular basis and it's these relationships that build my passion for the dental field.” Dr. Benitez participates in many types of continuing education classes every year. His particular passion is Invisalign or clear aligner therapy. Invisalign has made great strides in treating all different types of malocclusions (bite and alignment issues) and he enjoys learning how he can treat his patients without having to use braces. He also enjoys learning about accelerated orthodontics. There are particular devices such as Acceledent and Propel which can be used to decrease orthodontic treatment time by up to 50%! Dr. Benitez is also a member of The American Association of Orthodontics and Southwestern Society of Orthodontists and has received the prestigious Bernard Gottlieb Pathology Award. Dr. Benitez is a member of his community Exchange Club which is a service organization that focuses on prevention of child abuse and a focus on a broad array of youth service, citizenship programs, and community services, including local schools and Family Compass. He also enjoys spending time with family, riding bikes with his kids, going to the gym, and when he gets the rare chance to get away, he likes to snow ski. He also likes anything Star Wars! “Do or do not, there is no try.” – Yoda