Naturally occurring in many water sources, fluoride is a mineral that possesses multiple dental benefits. This mineral improves the enamel’s framework and the teeth defend against decay. It also helps kids or adults with developing or weakened teeth and could reverse small cavities that have just developed. DentalWorks – Charlotte performs oral fluoride services for our Charlotte, NC patients to boost their oral health, regardless of their age.
Oftentimes, fluoride is beneficial for children between half a year to 16 years because this is when most of the primary teeth grow. Still, older patients can take advantage of fluoride services as well. At our facility in Charlotte, NC, we think that fluoride is as critical in strengthening developing teeth as they are in defending against tooth decay.
Many aspects of fluoride have a positive effect on the enamel, such as:
Fluoride is typically found in water, as well as in tiny amounts in many foods. Though your enamel is constantly exposed to fluoride in the meals and beverages you consume, it’s improbable to take in enough fluoride in meals alone.
Putting fluoride on the enamel might be done using two approaches: topical or systemic. External placement helps individuals of different age groups, while internal distribution is more suitable for younger patients since their adult teeth are forming beneath the gumline. At DentalWorks – Charlotte, dental fluorosis services are done every six months after a professional cleaning and evaluation. The polished teeth are then dried, and fluoride is painted on and kept on the enamel for up to four minutes at a time. To make sure that the varnish totally sinks into your teeth, you may be asked not to eat, drink, or smoke tobacco for no fewer than 30 minutes after your dental fluoride treatment.
Fluoride is also found in drinking water. If it’s consumed, the fluoride travels along your body and the teeth form. Kids who take in water composed of a small amount to practically no fluoride may need a supplement to make sure their teeth emerge well.
All patients need a specific amount of fluoride depending on their likelihood of developing decay. If you practice an adequate home-based oral health regimen and keep away from sweet and acidic meals and beverages, your chances for developing cavities could be lessened. For kids, in the event that a large amount of fluoride is absorbed, teeth might be permanently pitted or discolored. This concern is known as enamel fluorosis and will result in little milky stripes or spots on the tooth enamel. Although it’s not necessarily dangerous, it may result in the need for visual dental procedures.
Teens and grown-ups who ingest a large quantity of fluoride can become more prone to discomfort or bone fractures, sometimes referred to as skeletal fluorosis. This might potentially result in discomfort and damage to certain bones and joints. In case you’re worried about your fluoride ingestion, call our skilled staff in Charlotte, NC.
DentalWorks – Charlotte offers dental fluoride treatments for our clients. Our knowledgeable dental practitioners might conduct a comprehensive dental evaluation to learn whether or not fluoride treatments are suitable for you. To summarize, the perks of fluoride are ideal for a large number of individuals as it reinforces your enamel along with reducing your risk of developing tooth decay. To learn more regarding dental fluorosis services, or to set up an appointment at our Charlotte, NC office, get in touch with our professional staff at your earliest convenience.
Fluoride is beneficial for oral health because:
It slows down mineral loss (demineralization) from tooth enamel
It remineralizes weakened tooth enamel
It reverses any early signs of tooth decay
It prevents harmful oral bacteria growth
When bacteria break down sugar and carbs in your mouth, acid is produced that eats away at the minerals within your tooth enamel. Weakened tooth enamel makes your teeth more vulnerable to harmful bacteria that can later cause cavities.