The Reasons Fluoride Treatments May Reinforce Your Tooth Surfaces

Naturally occurring in a number foods and beverages, fluoride is a mineral that has great dental advantages. It reinforces the enamel’s structure and the teeth repel decay. Fluoride also is beneficial for patients with developing or damaged teeth and may address small regions of decay that have just developed. DentalWorks – Bloomingdale provides effective fluoride treatments for our Bloomingdale, IL patients to enhance their oral wellness at any age.

Commonly, fluoride is most important for children between half a year and 16 years since this is when a lot of the permanent teeth develop. However, men and women can take advantage of dental fluorosis treatment too. At our practice in Bloomingdale, IL, we think that fluoride is as vital in strengthening developing teeth as they are in defending against tooth decay.


Multiple features of fluoride have a great impact on the enamel, such as:

  • Slowing down the reduction of minerals in the enamel
  • Decreasing instances of and fixing early
  • Stopping harmful plaque
  • Strengthening weakened enamel

Fluoride is frequently present in water, as well as in minor quantities in different foods. Even if your enamel is frequently exposed to fluoride in the meals and beverages you consume, it’s hard to receive a substantial quantity of fluoride from food and water alone.


The application of fluoride to the enamel might be performed using two techniques: topical or internal. Topical placement helps people of several age groups, while internal distribution is more beneficial for younger patients as their adult teeth are forming beneath the gums. At DentalWorks – Bloomingdale, dental fluoride applications are performed twice-yearly following a thorough polishing and exam. The cleaned teeth are then dried, and fluoride is placed and left on the surfaces for a maximum of four minutes at a time. To ensure that the fluoride totally penetrates your enamel, you might be urged not to consume food or drinks or smoke from a pipe or cigarette for no fewer than half an hour after your oral fluorosis appointment.

Fluoride is also present in drinking water. If it’s swallowed, the fluoride travels along the body and the teeth grow stronger. Toddlers who drink water with only some to virtually no fluoride may need a supplement to help their teeth form strong.


All patients require a varying amount of fluoride depending on their likelihood of experiencing cavities. If you keep up with an effective at-home dental hygiene routine and avoid sugary and acidic food and drinks, your chances for developing cavities might be reduced. When it comes to children, in the event that too much fluoride is taken in, teeth might be furrowed or discolored. This is known as enamel fluorosis and might lead to small white lines or regions on the tooth enamel. Although it’s not necessarily destructive, it might result in the essentiality of cosmetic dental surgeries.

Teens and grown-ups who take in too much fluoride might end up more prone to tenderness or bone breaks, often referred to as skeletal fluorosis. This may potentially cause discomfort and harm to different bones and cartilage. In case you’re concerned about your fluoride intake, contact our skilled team in Bloomingdale, IL.


DentalWorks – Bloomingdale performs dental fluoride treatments for Bloomingdale, IL patients. Our skilled team can do a detailed oral exam to learn if fluoride services are ideal for you. In the end, the perks of fluoride are ideal for most individuals as it strengthens the enamel while reducing your odds of forming cavities. To find out more about dental fluorosis services, or to schedule a visit to our Bloomingdale, IL facility, contact our staff today.


Fluoride is beneficial for oral health because:

  • It slows down mineral loss (demineralization) from tooth enamel

  • It remineralizes weakened tooth enamel

  • It reverses any early signs of tooth decay

  • It prevents harmful oral bacteria growth

When bacteria break down sugar and carbs in your mouth, acid is produced that eats away at the minerals within your tooth enamel. Weakened tooth enamel makes your teeth more vulnerable to harmful bacteria that can later cause cavities.