The Ways Fluoride Services May Help Your Teeth

Present in several water sources, fluoride is a mineral that possesses a lot of dental advantages. It enhances the enamel’s structure and it be more resistant to cavities. Fluoride also is good for kids or adults with developing or damaged teeth and could address new areas of decay that have recently established. DentalWorks – Chicago Loop provides oral fluoride services for our Chicago, IL clients to elevate their dental health, regardless of their age.

Generally, fluoride is essential for small children around 6 months to 16 years since this is when many of the adult teeth emerge. Even so, older individuals may take advantage of dental fluorosis treatment too. At our facility in Chicago, IL, we understand that these treatments are as critical in strengthening baby teeth as they are in defending against tooth decay.


Many features of fluoride have a wonderful effect on the enamel, including:

  • Delaying the loss of minerals in tooth enamel
  • Limiting instances of and reversing early
  • Stopping harmful plaque
  • Elevating weakened enamel

Fluoride is commonly present in water, as well as in tiny quantities in different foods. Even though your teeth are constantly exposed to fluoride in the meals and water you eat and drink, it’s not possible to take in enough fluoride from your diet alone.


Applying fluoride to the teeth can be carried out using two techniques: external or systemic. Topical application helps individuals of several ages; meanwhile, internal distribution is more beneficial for younger patients when their adult teeth are emerging underneath the gumline. At DentalWorks – Chicago Loop, dental fluoride services are offered twice a year following a thorough polishing and assessment. The cleaned teeth are dried, and the fluoride is painted on and left on the enamel for a maximum of four minutes at a time. To make sure that the fluoride totally penetrates the enamel, you may be told not to consume food or drinks or smoke from a pipe or cigarette for no fewer than half an hour after your oral fluorosis session.

This mineral is also found in water. As it’s consumed, the fluoride travels through the body and the teeth form. Children who take in water comprising a small amount to almost no fluoride might need a prescription to ensure their teeth develop properly.


All individuals require a certain amount of fluoride based on their chances of developing cavities. If you practice an effective home-based dental health routine and stay away from sweet and acidic meals and liquids, your likelihood for developing cavities may be lowered. When it comes to toddlers, when too much fluoride is taken in, teeth could be furrowed or stained. This issue is called enamel fluorosis and will result in tiny white stripes or areas on the tooth enamel. While it’s not inevitably damaging, it could result in a necessity for aesthetic dentistry solutions.

Teens and grown-ups who ingest a large amount of fluoride can be more susceptible to sensitivity or bone fractures, referred to as skeletal fluorosis. This could likely cause soreness and deterioration to various bones and junctures. If you’re worried about your fluoride levels, contact our highly qualified staff in Chicago, IL.


DentalWorks – Chicago Loop offers dental fluorosis treatments for Chicago, IL patients. Our team might perform an in-depth oral examination to determine whether or not fluoride services are ideal for you. Ultimately, the perks of fluoride are excellent for numerous individuals since it strengthens your enamel along with reducing your chances of getting cavities. To learn more about dental fluorosis services, or to set up a consultation at our Chicago, IL office, reach out to our professional team at your earliest convenience.


Fluoride is beneficial for oral health because:

  • It slows down mineral loss (demineralization) from tooth enamel

  • It remineralizes weakened tooth enamel

  • It reverses any early signs of tooth decay

  • It prevents harmful oral bacteria growth

When bacteria break down sugar and carbs in your mouth, acid is produced that eats away at the minerals within your tooth enamel. Weakened tooth enamel makes your teeth more vulnerable to harmful bacteria that can later cause cavities.