The Ways Twice-Yearly Teeth Cleanings Are Necessary To Your General Health

Generally, dentists and dental hygienists advise adults and children to schedule cleanings routinely, which could be twice annually or more often, based on a person’s unique demands. But do you know what these dental cleaning visits bring to your overall well-being? The effects of this affordable dental care service mean more for Anderson, SC patients than just removing plaque and tartar buildup. Dental cleaning visits are an important general dentistry procedure that can sustain your oral health from year to year.

To enhance your teeth, gums, and general dental wellness between twice-yearly visits, it’s critical to brush and floss the teeth daily. However, routine dental cleanings can protect your family’s smiles over the long-term. Our skilled and caring practitioners at DentalWorks – Anderson are pleased to share the top reasons for maintaining regular dental cleaning visits as recommended by your dental team.

Regular professional cleanings are general oral care treatments that are often paid for by the majority of insurance plans. To give you a better idea of how dental cleanings impact your oral health and general health, here are some of the top reasons for keeping up with your visits:

  • Eliminates plaque and tartar for fresher breath: Plaque is the white, sticky substance that is always forming on your teeth and can be easily removed each day with your toothbrush and floss. Tartar, however, is calcified and can only be eliminated through a professional dental cleaning. During a cleaning, special dental instruments are used to remove soft plaque and tartar (hard plaque) from the teeth. This not only helps remove harmful bacteria from the mouth, but it also makes for fresher breath.
  • Polishes enamel for a brighter smile: Stains often collect on the surface of the enamel from coffee, tea, tobacco, and other sources. A dental cleaning also includes polishing the teeth, leaving behind a smoother feel and brighter appearance.
  • Offers personalized oral hygiene instructions: Brushing and flossing at home are vital to maintaining your oral health between dental visits. At DentalWorks – Anderson, our skilled hygienists tailor homecare instructions based on individual needs. This offers the opportunity for you to learn about areas in your mouth that may benefit from more attention on a daily basis.

Besides the rewards that come with keeping a brighter smile, there are many other health plusses that having twice-yearly cleanings offers. These include:

  • Minimized risk of oral disease: Routine dental cleanings remove plaque and tartar deposits, which provide a place for disease-causing bacteria to grow and thrive. By removing these irritants on a regular basis, you can reduce the risk of oral problems like tooth decay (cavities) and gum disease (periodontitis). Even if you develop these dental concerns, keeping up with your dental cleanings as recommended by our Anderson, SC team can still reduce the extent of oral damage and help preserve the health of your mouth.
  • Identifying treatment needs early on: When treatment concerns are identified as early as possible, you can often avoid the need for costlier or more involved dental care down the road. Cavities that are treated in the initial stages, for instance, may only require a small filling to restore. Tooth decay that is allowed to progress may lead to greater treatment needs, such as a crown, root canal, or tooth extraction. When your dental team is evaluating your mouth regularly, oral problems can often be diagnosed and treated more conservatively.
  • Supporting general health and wellness: It is widely understood that a healthy oral environment helps support a healthy immune system and systemic health. Numerous research studies have shown the relationship between a range of medical issues (like heart disease, diabetes, and dementia) and gum disease. Additionally, cavities damage the teeth, which can impact oral function and ultimately overall health if they are not treated in a timely manner. Maintaining routine dental cleanings can help create a healthy oral environment that goes a long way toward supporting general health and well-being.

Routine teeth cleanings are vital to keeping up with the framework for good oral and total wellness. Life gets busy, and it is often easy to put off preventive dental care. But keeping routine dental cleaning visits can bring great value to your oral and overall well-being. At DentalWorks – Anderson, we are pleased to offer high-quality, affordable dental care for local patients. Book your family’s dental cleaning visits at our Anderson, SC office today and enjoy the benefits of a healthy, bright smile.