This Is Why Replacing Gaps In The Smile Is Vital For Your Oral Health

Implants are known for their long-term benefits and the stable support they bring to replacement teeth. Like dental implants, dentures can also replace anywhere from a few missing teeth to a whole arch, with the difference being that dentures are removable. Partial dentures are used when there are teeth still present in an arch, while full dentures help patients overcome the total loss of upper or lower teeth.

Replacing lost teeth, no matter the cause of your tooth loss, is necessary for the look of your smile, oral health, and total physical wellness. No matter how long you have been missing teeth, or even if you are facing a dental extraction, the team at DentalWorks – Easton is pleased to offer effective options to help you overcome tooth loss. Take your first step toward replacing missing teeth and meet with our team to explore the solutions right for your smile, health, and lifestyle. To learn more about affordable dentures, implants, and bridges, get in touch with our friendly team in Columbus, OH today and schedule your treatment consultation. We can help you deal with tooth loss and experience a comfortable, complete, and attractive smile once again.