Why Are My Gums Bleeding?


Periodontal disease, commonly known as gum disease, is a problem you don’t want. Gingivitis and periodontitis (the two stages of gum disease) both have clear signs. Whether your gums are swollen or you see blood in the sink after you brush your teeth, you should talk to your dentist in Dublin, OH about gum disease. Not sure what periodontal disease looks like? There are several indicators of gum disease:

    Bleeding after you brush is one of the most common symptoms of a periodontal condition. Even when you’re brushing your teeth too hard, your gums should not bleed. Brushing aggressively isn’t a helpful habit, particularly if you have inflammation or irritation, but there is generally an underlying issue that is making your gums bleed.

    If you have chronic bad breath (halitosis), it may be a sign of periodontal disease. The bacteria that is getting trapped in your gums causes bad-smelling breath even if you are brushing twice a day.

    Inflammation and a change in the color of your gums are symptoms that something is not right. Dark red or purple gums, particularly if you also have bleeding gums, are a serious symptom of gum disease. Another reason your gums may change color is due to habits (like a poor diet or tobacco use), which put you at higher risk for developing periodontal disease.

      Periodontal disease causes your gumline to recede and reveal more of your teeth than normal. If the gums pull away, it can lead to a lot of discomfort and damage when the roots of your teeth are unprotected. When you look in the mirror and there’s too much enamel and not enough gums, this is a sign of gum disease.

      If you reach the later stages of gum disease and your tooth roots are visible, you might feel a sharp pain whenever you drink or eat something hot or cold. However, this could also be a sign of a cavity, which your dentist will consider during your dental exam. When the pain feels like it’s near your gums, it’s likely a symptom of gum disease.

      Hopefully, you will visit your dentist at the fist symptoms of gum disease; however, if you don’t get treatment, it will become periodontitis and you’ll have more advanced symptoms. This includes exposed tooth roots and loose teeth. Weak gums can affect your teeth. If your gums are not strong enough to hold your teeth, then a loose or missing tooth could result. Ongoing infection is also a risk to consider. Bacteria collected in your gum pockets will lead to an infection. A pus-filled periodontal abscess will inflame your gums and cause a lot of discomfort, especially if left untreated. The infection can also enter your blood, which will affect the health of your whole body.

      If you have bleeding gums or some of the other signs of gum disease, the first thing you need to do is get your gums assessed at a dental office. Whether you have gingivitis or periodontitis, there are treatment options that can improve your oral health. Your dentist may also send you to a professional in Dublin, OH who has special training and education in the care of the gums. Healing gum disease can be a lengthy process that takes multiple visits. However, it’s smarter to fix it now rather than be in pain or get more invasive procedures, which will be needed if you put it off. These are three of the most common treatments for periodontal disease:

        Scaling and root planing (sometimes called a deep cleaning) is a treatment that your dentist can perform to remove the tartar, bacteria, and plaque buildup from your teeth under the gumline. To begin, your dentist will use a scaling instrument to remove the buildup from your gum pockets. Next, they will smooth (plane) the tooth to eliminate crevices where bacteria and debris can hide and become an infection. One or several scaling and root planing treatments can reverse the damage caused by gingivitis.

          A round of antibiotics may be necessary to fully treat the bacterial infection in your gums. Antibiotics are typically prescribed following an SRP (scaling and root planing) procedure to eliminate any lingering bacteria and help the gums heal.

            Periodontal surgery will eliminate the pockets, which are the root of the problem (trapping debris, inflammation, and destroying your gums). Based on your situation and the preference of your dentist, there’s several ways to perform periodontal disease surgery. Your dentist will walk you through the process and help you make an informed decision about what route to take.

          • RISK FACTORS
            When you’re at greater risk of developing periodontal disease, you need to be vigilant about looking for symptoms. These are a few of the factors that increase your chance of getting gum disease:

              AVOID GUM DISEASE
              If you’d like to skip gum problems in the first place or you’d like to avoid more problems, these are some tips on how to keep your gums healthy:

                TREAT GUM DISEASE
                Whether you already have symptoms of periodontal disease or you’re at risk for getting it, schedule an appointment with a dental professional. DentalWorks – Dublin offers gum disease diagnosis and many treatment options. Our team can correct gingivitis using one or more SRP (scaling and root planing) treatments and antibiotics. If your gum disease has progressed to periodontitis, our practice in Dublin, OH offer gum surgery to restore your mouth.