Why Fluoride Services Might Reinforce Your Tooth Enamel

Found in many foods and beverages, fluoride is a mineral that has a lot of dental advantages. Fluoride reinforces the tooth’s framework and the teeth defend against decay. It also helps people with baby teeth or damaged teeth and may address new areas of decay that have recently developed. DentalWorks – Carmel Village offers oral fluoride procedures for our Charlotte, NC clients to boost their dental health at any age.

Oftentimes, fluoride is most essential for children between 6 months and 16 years since this period is when many of the permanent teeth grow. However, men and women may take advantage of fluoride services too. At our facility in Charlotte, NC, we know that these treatments are as important in enhancing new teeth as they are in safeguarding against tooth decay.


A number of features of fluoride have a wonderful impact on the teeth, like:

  • Delaying the absence of minerals in tooth enamel
  • Reducing the development of and addressing early
  • Stopping harmful tartar
  • Elevating compromised enamel

Fluoride is typically present in water, as well as in tiny quantities in certain foods. Even though your teeth are frequently exposed to fluoride in the food and beverages you eat and drink, it’s improbable to take in enough fluoride from meals alone.
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The application of fluoride to the enamel may be carried out using two methods: topical or internal. Topical placement helps individuals of all age groups; meanwhile, the other is better for younger patients because their adult teeth are forming beneath the gum tissues. At DentalWorks – Carmel Village, oral fluorosis applications are conducted twice-yearly following a professional cleaning and assessment. The polished teeth are dried, and fluoride is placed and left on the enamel for no more than four minutes for every application. To make sure that the varnish completely penetrates the teeth, you will be told not to consume food or drinks or smoke from a pipe or cigarette for at least 30 minutes after your oral fluorosis appointment.

Fluoride is also present in sources of water. As soon as it’s consumed, the fluoride travels throughout the body and the teeth develop. Children who take in water with little to no fluoride could need a prescription to make sure their teeth form correctly.


All patients need a varying amount of fluoride based on their chances of developing decay. When you keep up with a great at-home oral hygiene routine and avoid sugary and acidic meals and drinks, your risk for developing cavities might be lessened. As it pertains to kids, in the case that a large amount of fluoride is taken in, teeth could be permanently grooved or discolored. This concern is referred to as enamel fluorosis and might result in little white stripes or areas on the tooth surfaces. Though it’s not technically dangerous, it might lead to a necessity for aesthetic dentistry treatments.

Adults who take in too much fluoride may be more vulnerable to tenderness or bone injuries, sometimes known as skeletal fluorosis. This may result in soreness and harm to different bones and cartilage. When you’re concerned about your fluoride intake, get in touch with our experienced staff in Charlotte, NC.
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DentalWorks – Carmel Village offers oral fluoride treatments for Charlotte, NC patients. Our knowledgeable dental care experts might do a detailed dental assessment to figure out whether or not fluoride treatments are right for you.
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Ultimately, the benefits of fluoride are wonderful for the majority of individuals as it improves the enamel while reducing your risk of getting cavities. To discover more about fluoride treatments, or to set up a consultation at our Charlotte, NC facility, contact our staff when you can.


Fluoride is beneficial for oral health because:

  • It slows down mineral loss (demineralization) from tooth enamel

  • It remineralizes weakened tooth enamel

  • It reverses any early signs of tooth decay

  • It prevents harmful oral bacteria growth

When bacteria break down sugar and carbs in your mouth, acid is produced that eats away at the minerals within your tooth enamel. Weakened tooth enamel makes your teeth more vulnerable to harmful bacteria that can later cause cavities.